A few words about us

Experience flexible, engaging, and personalised learning with our online schooling platform. Enjoy interactive lessons, real-time support, and access to recorded sessions, all designed to fit your schedule and learning style. Study from anywhere and join a supportive community committed to your academic success.

What are International A-Levels?
GCSE and A-Levels are part of the British secondary education system. They are recognized worldwide, and their international versions are called International GCSE and International A-Levels. At OOC, you can study the A-Levels program online.
Before A-Levels, students study the International GCSE program (10th or 11th year of study), where they study 4-5 subjects.
In the 12th year, students start the A-Levels program, which consists of two levels: AS Level (the first half of the program, studied during the 12th year) and A2 Level (studied in the 13th year). Typically, students study 4-5 subjects at AS Level and 3-4 subjects at A2 Level.
What is the International GCSE program?
The GCSE and A-Levels are part of the British secondary education system. Their international versions are called International GCSE and International A-Levels.
Students begin studying the International GCSE program in the 10th or 11th year with 4-5 subjects. They acquire basic knowledge in their chosen subjects. At the end of the program, students take exams and receive grades. In some countries, students take 8-10 subjects at GCSE level and study them for two years. In the 12th year, students start the A-Levels program.

Is this school right for you?

Oxford Online College is designed for students and families who value a flexible approach to education and want to study the British school curriculum.


You are looking for a prestigious, world-class school at an affordable price. Students are taught by teachers with over 20 years of experience who are invested in their success.


You want to learn and interact with ambitious peers from around the world. The online format is no barrier! Our students love learning and engage in both lessons and extracurricular activities.


You are planning to apply to universities in the US, UK, Europe, or Asia. OOC is a project of the Oxford International School, where experts help high school students from around the world enter top universities.


You have high academic potential and want to study more subjects than a regular school offers. At OOC, you can also earn academic credits while still in high school.


You want to study subjects that are not part of the standard school curriculum. Taking subject-specific courses will help you build a strong profile for university admission.


You have extracurricular activities, so a flexible learning schedule is important to you. This is especially relevant for athletes or creative individuals.


You are homeschooled but would like to be part of an international peer group.

Our goal is to tailor educational options to the student's interests, abilities, and ambitions. The admissions team will guide you through the entire application process. Consultants will help you choose the right format of education and understand which subjects and programs are best suited to your goals.

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    What are you enquiring about?

    What country do you live in?

    Student's Date of Birth

    Student's Current Grade/Year Level

    Student's Current School

    Please submit any questions/queries on your application here